Friday 20 January 2012

We're back!

Cozy At Home has been revived!  After a break of nearly... um, gulp... 4 years!?!  I thought I might start blogging again.  Unfortunately I can't remember all the login details of my original blog Cosy at Home so I've had to start up a new one with the slightest of title changes. 

The intention of this blog is the same, to write about my life filled with crafts, books, cooking, decorating, children, love and laughter. I'm a single mum living a happy and contented life frugally in New Zealand.

Apart from the kiddo's growing up a little (or in the case of the teenagers, a lot) nothing too much has changed.  I'm still a stay at home Mum, with four kids at home and one out of the nest.  We have lived in our current house for five years, which is pretty good considering that our city has been hit with many, many earthquakes for just over a year now and a lot of houses in our city need demolition or major repairs.  We only need minor repairs thankgoodness, but nothing will happen until the earthquakes stop, so that could be a long, long time away yet.

The kiddo's are in their summer school holidays at the moment.  It's just passed the tipping point of holidays being enjoyable to now being a bit boring and the fighting is increasing.  It's only a week and a half to go until school begins and we are counting the days down.  We picked up the remaining items we needed for Grace's uniform today (she's off to High School this year!) and we'll head out to soon to pick up stationary for them all.  Hopefully when the kiddos starting labelling everything I'll have a bit of time to come back to and figure out some of the changes they've made.  It certainly looks different from what I remember.  8:)